Wednesday 29 January 2014

29 January 2014

1. Math Workbook Pg 30 - 36

We are celebrating Chinese New Year tomorrow, so students are allowed to wear their traditional costume to school. However, they have to wear the blank school shoes.

Things to bring:
1. Art materials

School will dismiss at 10.30am tomorrow.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Sunday 26 January 2014

2A Math - Reading Numbers to 1000

This is one of the Math lessons where we have in the school hall. The students have their number cards to go around, look for friends and form their numbers in as many ways as possible. They then read the numbers they have formed and spell it out.

Chines New Year Decoration

Thank you for all the contribution. 
This is the best angle that I can take to include both the front and back doors.
Hope you like it!

2A PE Lesson - Putting the Points on the Floor

Looking at the students' position. Can you count how many points they have on the floor?

They try to outwit one another by having creative shapes...

2A PE Lesson 1 - Walking and Jogging

This was the first PE lesson we had for the year. (Sorry to put it up so late.)

We were walking and jogging along the lines, without bumping into each other. If we do meet, we have to decide who gets the right of way using 'Scissors, Paper, Stone'.

Friday 24 January 2014

24 January 2014

1. English learning sheet Pg 3 and 4
2. Math Workbook Pg 30 - 34

Thursday 23 January 2014

2A PE Lesson - Putting Our Rolls into Stories

This is a short presentation by Aniq. He was a seed that grows into a tree. During a stormy day, the tree broke and it rolled away (log roll)...

Aqylah and Qistina's presentation on a bird flying around and hit a tree, it ended up rolling forward.

Richelle was a rabbit running in the woods. A log (Razeena) was rolling in the log. They finally met and cause the rabbit to roll over.

I hope you like the videos. There will be more coming up. Please leave your comments. Thank you.

23 January 2014

The students had their check up by the nurses yesterday. So everyone, should have brought their Health Booklet home by today (23 Jan). Please help to keep the Health Booklet at home. Thanks.

Math Homework:
1. Math Workbook Pg 19 - 21

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Monday 20 January 2014

20 January 2014

There is no Math homework for today.

I have given out a letter on Holistic Assessment (HA). Details of the P2 HA can be found in there. Please sign the acknowledgment slip after you have read it. Thanks.

Friday 17 January 2014

17 January 2014

1. FTGP book - Pg 42 and 43 ( teaching students to manage their time after school)

I have also given out the fortnightly letter. In it, there is a pupil data form which has to be completed.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

14 January 2014

There is no homework today.

I have given you the Math exercise book so that you can cut out the small stars and paste them onto the rewards sheet. Have fun!!

Monday 13 January 2014

13 January 2014

Sorry for the delay.

Forms given out today:
1. Health check form (blue)
2. Add-venture magazine subscription form (if you are interested to subscribe)
3. P1 and P2 Parent meeting form (if you are interested)

There will be English Spelling tomorrow.

Saturday 11 January 2014

10 January 2014

So sorry for the late update.

Homework for the weekend:
1. Language Usage 1A and 1B
2. STELLAR Handwriting Exercise 1
3. Math Workbook Pg 9

1. Sign English Spelling List
2. Learn to spell the numbers (found in everyday book)
3. Bring Social Studies Activity Book
4. Get the handphone policy form (if your child brings handphone to school)
5. Get Opportunity Form signed (if your child is a Singaporean)

Thursday 9 January 2014

9 January 2014

Things to be collected (for those who have yet to submit):
1. Health Booklet
2. Opportunity Fund Form
3. Math Process Skills Booklet 1 and 2

There's no Math homework today.

We had our part of our Math lesson in the hall today instead of the classroom. The students were given number cards so that they can form their own 2-digit and 3-digit numbers. They have to read and spell the numbers that they have formed.

The class decorations are not up yet. We will take some time to do that next week. In the mean time, do continue to bring anything that you want to use for decorations. Thank  you.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

6G PE on 8 Jan 2014

Today's lesson was pretty short. We are focusing on 2 things: 1. Space - knowing where to throw the ball so that it gives us more time to run. 2. Running bases - where to run to score points for ourselves.

(So sorry, I have forgotten to take some pictures.)

We will be running bases in our next PE lesson. In the mean time, please prepare your newspaper 'bats' and 'balls'.

A few things to take note:
1. Make sure the 'bat' is firm.
2. It is not too heavy and thick to hold.

The deadline for this is next Tuesday, 14 January 2014, if you want to have a go with it. 

8 January 2014

Things done today for Math:
1.  Mental Sums (2)
2.  Math Workbook Pg 1 to 4 (Writing numbers in words and numerals)

There is no homework for Math today.

Sharing - The Rule of Kite

Mr Tok shared this this morning.

The string of the kite is just like our values. We will want to fly far and high, but we must anchor ourselves with the right values.

With the right values, everything will be well in spite of the different situations and challenges. Without the values, we may feel happy or 'free' for a while but there will be consequences to face in the end.

I hope you like this.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

PE Survey

There are some terms used in the PE Survey form given.

Net/Wall Games

  • refers to games that has a net between the players. Eg. volleyball, badminton, table tennis,  tennis,etc

Territorial Games

  • refers to games that has goal lines or goal posts at the two ends. Eg. netball, soccer, frisbee, rugby, floorball, etc
Striking Games
  • refers to games that has a target to be hit. Eg. cricket, softball, archery, shooting, bowling, etc

Track and Field
  • refers to the running and field events Eg. relay, long jump, high jump, etc
  • refers to body exercises and dances.

Have I missed out anything?

At this point, I would like to recommend some Apps that you can download to monitor your physical activities.
  1. Endomondo
  2. Heart Rate
I will tell you more about how we can use these 2 Apps for our PE lessons in our next lesson.


Math Exercise Book

A Math exercise book does not have to be boring. These are some of the book covers designed by our classmates.

Can you find yours?

7 January 2014

Things to do:
  1. Colour the horse (for Chinese New Year Decoration)

Things we did in school today:
  1. Temperature Taking Exercise
  2. First Math Mental Sums for the year

Monday 6 January 2014

Chinese New Year Celebration

Horses - Contributed by S.Hrithik

       Chinese New Year is just round the corner! It's the time of the year where all of us start to decorate the classrooms and immerse in the joyous festive season.

       There will be an inter-class competition and prizes will be given to the top 3 classes of each level.

       The classroom decorations will be assessed by the following criteria:

  • Ability to showcase the festive mood: 40%
  • Pupils' work: 30%
  • Overall Presentation: 20%
  • Creativity: 10%
     Let's get ready to decorate the classroom. Please bring your contributions!

6 January 2014

Dear Parents,

Just to keep you updated of the following:

Things given out today:
  1. Fortnightly Parent Notification (FYI)
  2. Application for Opportunity Fund Subsidy - Please fill it up and return the form by Tuesday, 14 Jan 2014
  3. Student Protection Plan (FYI)
  4. Handphone policy - Please fill it up by Tuesday, 14 Jan,  if your child is bringing handphone to school.
Some dates to remember:
  • 7 January 2014 - Temperature-taking Exercise - (Student to bring thermometer)
  • 22 January 2014 - Health Check - (Student to bring Health Booklet)
  • 24 January 2014 - P1 and P2 Parents' Briefing (For parents)
  • 30 January 2014 - Chinese New Year Eve (Half day for all students)
  • 31 January to 3 February 2014 - Chinese New Year (No school for all)
Books to be collected by Friday:
  1. Math Process Skills (Booklet 1 and 2)
  2. Social Studies workbook
Books/ files that have been collected so far:
  1. STELLAR Handwriting 2
  2. Language Usage (Booklet 1 to 4)
  3. Spelling exercise book
  4. Journal exercise book
  5. English File (blue)
  6. MLEA book
  7. Math Workbook 2A
  8. Math exercise book
  9. Math file (white)
  10. Jotterbook (to be used as Everyday book)
  11. Holistic Assessment file and the clear plastic holders
  12. Health Booklet

We will be following the class timetable and lessons will start this week, so please ensure that your child has submitted all the necessary books.

Thank you.
Mdm Chua Sophia

First PE lesson

Hi everyone,

I have decided to 'waste time to save time' during the first PE lesson.

Why waste time? I rather 'waste' this time to get to know everyone and set our expectations for all future PE lessons. This is so that we will not have to waste anymore time in the future. It will help save us more time for PE.

Rules for PE:

  • Be in proper attire, even when you cannot exercise.

         It's teamwork! Everyone in the class come to school together in the same attire. 
         However, if you are sick, you can always inform me. There are many other things that you can do even
         if you cannot participate in the physical activities. For example, be the empire and count the scores.
  • Be ready and punctual for lesson.
         Cut your fingernails so that you will not scratch anyone while playing. 
         Bring along your water bottles (with water inside please) so that you don't have to queue at the water
         cooler and waste precious time.

  • Make PE safe for self and others.
         Take care of your own safety by not doing things that can cause harm to yourself and others. 
         For example, don't walk into another group's playing area. You may be hurt by their ball(s).

  • Follow the instructions given by the teacher.
         This will help to reduce the chances of accidents and students breaking the rules of the games. If everyone follows the instructions, there will be less debates on who's playing fair. You will want to spend the time playing rather than arguing and debating.

  • Have fun!
         Let's all participate actively in the games and have fun. 
         You may learn that you can play something that you never thought you will be able to.

Friday 3 January 2014

3 January 2014

Things to do:

  1. Follow the class timetable for Monday and bring the necessary books.
  2. Wear PE attire for PAL lesson on Monday.
Things to bring on Monday:
  1. STELLAR Handwriting 2 (for those who had not brought)
  2. Language Usage Booklets 1 - 4 (for those who had not brought)
  3. MLEA exercise book (for those who had not brought)
  4. Jotterbook
  5. Health Booklet
  6. Holistic Assessment File and Pockets (3 colours)
  7. Any other books that you have not handed in on 3 Jan 2014. (refer to '2 January 2014' post) 
What was shared during assembly:
  1. Mr Saw talked about the need to persevere and work hard.
  2. Mr Tok mentioned about the Temperature Taking Exercise for 7 January 2014.
  3. Mr Khairil mentioned about the places that are out of bound due to the paint work and the importance of attendance and punctuality.

Thursday 2 January 2014

2 January 2014

Things to do:
1. Fill in Pg 1 of the handbook
2. Cut hair and fingernails

Things to bring:
1. Thermometer
2. Math Workbook 2A and Math file (white)
3. STELLAR Handwriting 2
4. Language Usage Booklets 1 - 4
5. 3 Exercise books
6. MLEA Exercise book
7. English File (blue)
8. HA Portfolio and clear folders

Sharing by Mr Saw - The Ant and the Grasshopper

Mr Saw, our principal, shared the story 'The Ant and the Grasshopper' during the assembly period today.

I have attached a video for your viewing.

Lessons that we can learnt from the story:

  1. Winners never quit and those who quit never win. Self-discipline and attitude are important. It can change our thinking and behaviour. We do things that we have to, even though we don't feel like it so that we can be successful.
  2. Look ahead. Tough times may not last but tough people do. Motivation gets you going and discipline keeps you growing.
  3. Let's give the best and we will never regret. Stay positive!

Welcome to 2014!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I am Mdm Chua Sophia, the form teacher of 2A. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child into the 2A 2014 family. I hope that we can work together for the betterment of our children. Below are a few things to note:

School Hours
Pupils must be in school by 7.25am for the morning assembly. Pupils must bring along a storybook to read before the assembly starts. Lessons will end at 1.45pm daily.

School Attire
Pupils are to wear the school uniform whenever they are in the school. They are allowed to wear the PE attire only on days when they have their PE lessons.
For girls who are tying up their hair, they should only use black or white hair clips and rubber bands.

Things to bring
Please ensure that your child brings the books according to the time table. This is to ensure that they have all the necessary books and yet not have a heavy school bag. Pupils are to bring their school handbook and thermometer everyday.

Pupils’ Handbook
The handbook is used by the pupils to record their homework as well as the additional things that they may have to bring. It also serves as a form of communication between the teachers and the parents. Please look through the handbook often and ensure that your child brings the book everyday.

Should there be any need to contact myself or your child’s subject teacher(s), please write it down in your child’s handbook and we would try to get back to you as soon as possible. Feel free to write in your comments through the blog too.

Feel free to communicate with the teachers so that we can avoid any misunderstandings, and together we can work hand in hand for our children.

Yours truly,
Mdm Chua Sophia

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Getting a Right Schoolbag

Getting a right schoolbag is a great deal of hassle.

First, you have to ensure the size is right, so that you can put in the books that you need to bring to school.

Second, the schoolbag itself must not be too heavy. It would be foolish to add the extra load that one has to carry to school.

Third, it must be easy to carry.

I have seen many students bringing the trolley bag to school. According to the students, their bags are too heavy, so it is easier to push/pull them around. I strongly agree with them. However, these students are not studying in schools that have only one storey. They may have to carry their bags when they reach a staircase and this is a very dangerous situation.

Students will have to pull their trolley bag (which is usually behind them) to the side so that they can carry the bag. Then, they will stagger down the stairs. (Usually, students carry their trolley bag in front of them because it is a hassle to carry it on their back.) In some cases, students may not even see where they are going, they are just predicting their way. If someone were to stop suddenly, they may just trip and fall. When they reached the landing, they will drop the trolley bag to the side and pull. This often result in the sudden stop in the movement of the pupils in the line. So, can you imgine a child stopping at the landing to start dragging his bag, while another have his bag in front of him trying to walk down the stairs?

Let's get back to basic. The easiest way to ensure that the bag is light is to pack the schoolbag. Avoid bringing the unnecessary things to school. It is true that students may have to bring more books on certain days. Why not make use of the lockers in the school? Almost all schools in Singapore have lockers these days, why not make use of them since they are already there? Ask the teacher for permission if you need one.